Full Circle Cycling
As Cyclists who enjoy the terrain and a sport that was created on stolen land it is our responsibility to respect not just the land itself, but also the people who once called it home. This project was started as a way for cyclists to honor and support the original stewards of the land and better understand its history. Profits from sales of the art and products on this page go directly to efforts and projects to regain land stewardship and recognition. As well as bike programs that help get underprivileged youth on bikes in the Marin County.
As an artist and cyclist who has benefited from these lands I want to give back to first peoples by using my skills and interests in order to help raise funds and awareness to their efforts.
I am not here to speak for the Coast Miwok or Indigenous people.
My goal with this art is to help the cycling community support this effort so that the Coast Miwok and Indigenous people can share their history and culture with you in their own words, and on their terms.
It is also my desire to help all people experience nature through cycling by supporting local programs who help bring cycling to underserved communities. This project also aims to help make cycling a sport that everyone can access in order to enjoy the beauty of the local lands by also donating to programs who do this work.